Maungatautari improves wellbeing

Report shows that Maugatautari improves wellbeing.

It will come as no surprise to those who frequent Sanctuary Mountain® Maungatautari (SMM), that it's now proven through a measurement framework conducted by experts, that visiting SMM improves your wellbeing. Experts in social impact measurement Huber Social and Impact Hub conducted surveys and interviews with volunteers and the community surrounding SMM to measure its social impact. 
Here are some of the key findings from the report:
  1. Visiting SMM and the Maunga is linked to higher wellbeing. Statistical analysis showed a meaningful relationship between being able to visit SMM and the Maunga as frequently as desired and higher overall wellbeing.
  2. Community connection and access to local job opportunities are priority needs of the community. These two factors were identified as having a meaningful relationship with overall wellbeing but were also among the lowest-scoring factors.
  3. Volunteering with SMM is an effective way to help people feel part of a community. Volunteers' scores for the outcome 'feeling part of a community were significantly higher than that of community members, indicating that SMM is fulfilling a key need for community connection for people who volunteer at the Maunga.
  4. Longer and more frequent volunteering leads to higher levels of wellbeing. Volunteers who have been with SMM for three or more years and volunteers who dedicate their time to the Maunga at least once a month have significantly higher levels of wellbeing when compared to new volunteers or those who volunteer less than once a month.
  5. Volunteers feel connected to their culture and community. On average, long-term volunteers (three or more years) experience higher levels of connection to community and connection to culture, when compared to new volunteers.
  6. Volunteers feel more mentally healthy. Volunteers who had been with SMM for three or more years felt happier, calmer, and experienced less anxiety.

Read the Full Report




Posted by Tali Jellyman on March 31, 2022